Student Concerts
The illustrious end of term student concerts have grown into quite the spectacle over the years. From humble beginnings, the crowd is now 150 strong every show, and TOTARA ST comes alive with the hottest young talent the Bay of Plenty has on offer.
Usual proceedings, but at times vary, see the MauaoPAC Contemporary Choir take to the stage first. Followed by the centres awesome drama and theatre students. After they have laid down their acting skills, the music academy students fly into what becomes a full blown, cohesive concert. For some students it is the first time on stage, for others, they have been there before. Performances are solid and smiles are wide!
The concert is held at TOTARA ST, the Mauao Performing Arts Centre’s performance space. The same space that plays host to all the national and international touring acts that grace Mount Maunganui. MauaoPAC students get the same level of production as these touring acts, and for friends and family it is a real treat to see their loved ones up there giving it their all.
A show not to be missed! For us at the centre within management, and for the tutors, this is a very proud and special time of the year. There are only four of these free shows each year, so keep an eye on the website or FaceBook page for more details. Don't be afraid to get along and check out some of the amazing talent we have here in the Bay...
The future is bright!
Keep an eye on our Events Page for upcoming concerts!!!